Write For Us

At Urbs and Polis (U/P) we're always looking for interested contributors, whether new or seasoned scholars, or graduate/post-graduate level students excited about the field of early Christianity in its Greco-Roman context. For most in academics, the thought of contributing a piece of written work screams time, energy, blood, and sweat (well, maybe not blood...maybe!). But we hope to curb some of those fears. Blog writing for U/P aims to produce a relaxed writing style that is inviting for both academics as well as the general public. As such, our aim is to translate the complexities of scholarship into more palatable language for the public without forfeiting the integrity of academics.

As a contributor, we hope that you will keep our readership - which reaches a wide demographic spectrum - in mind. Unlike large academic pieces, which provide a beautifully assembled intro, arch, and ending, blogging at U/P will be limited to no more than 2,250 words (with 800-1,750 words anticipated). The aim is to be concise and economic making use of key points and arguments without a three-page footnote (you know who you are!) characteristic of academic writing. At U/P, we hope each blog will carefully examine one or two main points, such as a keyword in an ancient text or a recently discovered artifact. Consequently, this blog is not about perfection but rather opening dialogue with the state of the field.

At U/P, our team is committed to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusiveness for all contributors and readers. In an effort to instill these principles, we highly encourage proposal submissions from under-represented scholars and scholars whose work intersects with issues of equity and inclusion in the study of the ancient and modern worlds.

More Ideas To Consider

Beyond the obvious academic blogging topics, the following list is intended to provide various examples of content we are hoping to publish on our blog and social media sites. This is not an exhaustive list and we remain open to new ideas and topics. Please, feel free to further discuss suggestions with our team.


Tell A Personal Story

One could write about their struggles as a PhD student. Perhaps, a seasoned scholar could give advice on the job market.


Review a book, article, or magazine that might draw interest.


Provide a response or comment on a popular blog, issue, or interesting quote.

Provide An Explanation

Write a step-by-step explanation listing how to do something. One could write about a research tool or tip picked up in their studies.

Current Event

Speak to a current event, such as a recently found manuscript or artifact. U/P is especially interested in ideas connecting antiquity to modernity and its present implications.

List Resources

Students and scholars will likely be most acquainted with their particular subject and providing a reading list could be of great benefit for those looking into a specific field for expertise.

Give Us Some Info

All submissions will be considered and our team will respond even when a proposal is not accepted. In some instances, we may request cuts, additions, or edits be made before publishing. We will only publish when the contributor feels comfortable with their submission in full. In the field below, we ask that you submit your idea in abstract form not exceeding 300 words in length. We look forward to working with you (scroll down until our form appears)!